Aida Desta

Imperial Family of Ethiopia

HIH The Crown Prince of Ethiopia

  • HIH Princess Lideta Zera Yacob

HIH Princess Ijigayehu

  • HIH Prince Samson Fikre Selassie
  • HIH Prince Bekere Fikre Selassie
    HIH Princess Donna Fikre Selassie
  • HIH Prince Yisehaq Fikre Selassie
  • HIH Princess Rahel Fikre Selassie
  • HIH Princess Aster Fikre Selassie
  • HIH Princess Meheret Fikre Selassie

HIH Princess Maryam Senna
HIH Princess Sehin Azebe
HIH Princess Sifrash Bizu

Princess Aida Desta is the daughter of Ras Desta Damtew and Princess Tenagnework, granddaughter of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. She is the wife of Leul Ras Mangasha Seyum, Prince of Tigray, son of Seyum Mangasha, and claimant to the abolished Ethiopian crown.[1] Princess Aida was incarcerated under te Derg for 15 years alongside several of her relatives. It was said the 11 women had not even a mattress in their cell. With the efforts of the Russian Orthodox Bishop Basil Rodzianko, their condition was made known in Washington, and within 18 months all 11 were reunited with their families.

References and notes

  1. ^ Mockler, Haile Sellassie's War, p. 398


Living person Lindsay Zobenica, witness to the recovery effort